Announcing the New Greater Philadelphia Pedestrian Portal DVRPC’s Pedestrian Portal includes a regional Pedestrian Network dataset, an interactive map anyone can use to view the data, and resources that support the development of more pedestrian connections. Pedestrian infrastructure -- sidewalks, curb ramps, and crosswalks -- is important to every trip, including those by car. The Portal is a central place to learn about DVRPC’s multilayered approach to inventorying pedestrian infrastructure and helping communities build more sidewalks.
Interactive Map The interactive map allows any user to view the region’s Pedestrian Network, a GIS dataset. Click “Explore” to view sidewalks, crosswalks, and curb ramps on an interactive map. The map also allows for users to inform and inspire pedestrian improvements. Since pedestrian infrastructure is being constructed all the time we need help keeping the GIS data up-to-date. Users can register for an “Edit” account and review the data. A “Plan” account will be available soon.
Data Layers This Pedestrian Network GIS dataset inventories the presence of sidewalks, as well as locations where curb ramps and crosswalks are or should be. This new dataset allows DVRPC and its planning partners to do things like map and measure the mileage and connectivity of sidewalks in given areas and identify gaps in pedestrian infrastructure. The datasets are available for download on DVRPC’s GIS Data Portal.
Want to Make the Region More Accessible for All?
Sidewalk construction and maintenance are typically the responsibility of individual property owners along a road frontage. New sidewalks are often added to the network through the local land development approval process.
Want to help DVRPC develop a new technical assistance program to build more pedestrian facilities? Contact Greg Krykewycz, Associate Director of Multimodal Planning to start a conversation.